Public API Key

Retrieve Public API Key

This endpoint will generate a new public API key associated with the API key. If a Public API Key already exists for this API Key, the gateway will return the existing key instead. Public API Keys are used in the Client JS Library to create payment_keys

The API endpoint is as follows:

GET /api/v2/publickey

Example Request

curl -X GET
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2"

Example Response
