Batch List
This page will show you how to get a list of batches. The API endpoint below gets a list of batches in descending order starting with the newest. This list can have its results offset or have its results filtered by date.
The API endpoint is as follows:
GET /api/v2/batches/
Quick Start
curl -X GET
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2"
This cURL request is an example of a merchant viewing a list of their batches.
"opened":"2017-10-23 16:16:56"
"opened":"2017-10-19 11:29:41",
"closed":"2017-10-19 12:31:02"
"opened":"2017-09-26 10:32:53",
"closed":"2017-09-26 18:16:02"
This is the sample response object sent back from the server. The data field will have details of up to 20 batches because of the default limit.
Request Parameters
These are a list of optional parameters which can be sent with the GET request to manipulate results.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
limit | integer | The amount of batches to return. If not set, there will be up to 20 batches returned. |
offset | integer | The amount of batches to skip in the results. Used for pagination. |
openedlt | date(YYYYmmdd) | Will include the results that are opened before this date. |
openedgt | date(YYYYmmdd) | Will include the results that are opened after this date. |
closedlt | date(YYYYmmdd) | Will include the results that are closed before this date. |
closedgt | date(YYYYmmdd) | Will include the results that are closed after this date. |
openedle | date(YYYYmmdd) | Will include the results that are opened before this date. (Including this date) |
openedge | date(YYYYmmdd) | Will include the results that are opened after this date. (Including this date) |
closedle | date(YYYYmmdd) | Will include the results that are closed before this date. (Including this date) |
closedge | date(YYYYmmdd) | Will include the results that are closed after this date. (Including this date) |
Response Variables
Variable | Type | Description |
type | string | The type of object returned. Returns a list. |
limit | integer | The maximum amount of batches that will be included. |
offset | integer | The number of batches skipped from the results |
data | array of batch | A result list of batches. |
total | integer | The total amount of batches, including filtering results. |
Object Definitions
This response object holds information associated with the batch.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
type | string | This is a batch. |
key | string | This is the key of the batch. |
batchnum | string | The batch sequence number. The first batch the merchant closes is 1, the second is 2, etc. |
opened | date | The date when this batched opened |
closed | date | The date when this batch closed |
Sample Code
To adjust the limit of the results:
curl -X GET
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2"
This cURL request is an example of a merchant viewing a smaller amount of batches.
"opened":"2017-10-23 16:16:56"
"opened":"2017-10-19 11:29:41",
"closed":"2017-10-19 12:31:02"
This is the sample response object sent back from the server.
To offset the results:
curl -X GET
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2"
This cURL request is an example of a merchant viewing their third set of data.
"opened":"2017-10-04 14:01:52",
"closed":"2017-10-05 10:31:02"
"opened":"2017-10-03 10:46:49",
"closed":"2017-10-04 10:31:01"
"opened":"2017-10-02 09:27:11",
"closed":"2017-10-02 17:01:17"
This is the sample response object sent back from the server.
Filter By Date
Filters the results by adding search parameters. Dates should be given as (YYYYmmdd) format such as below.
curl -X GET
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2"
This cURL request is an example of a merchant finding batches which opened on exactly October 3rd.
"opened":"2017-10-03 10:46:49",
"closed":"2017-10-04 10:31:01"
"opened":"2017-10-03 10:08:45",
"closed":"2017-10-03 10:31:02"
This is the sample response object sent back from the server.
Change Log
Date | Change |
2017-08-01 | Added page. |
2017-11-29 | Added code examples to page. |