
Reseller only method.


This method will flag a merchant for deletion. Once the deletion request is verified and approved by the gateway, the merchant account will be closed and the merchant will no longer be able to process transactions or log in to the Merchant Console.

The reason argument should include any details, such as contact request details, reason for deletion, etc. that may speed up the deletion request verification process.

See also addMerchantApplication, getMerchantApplicationStatus, getMerchant, updateMerchant, searchMerchants, getMerchantSummary


boolean deleteMerchant ( ueSecurityToken Token, integer MerchRefNum, string Reason )


Type Name Description
ueSecurityToken Token Reseller security token, used to identify reseller and validate request.
integer MerchRefNum Merchant ID number assigned by the gateway to an active merchant
string Reason Any information relevant to the delete merchant account request. You may wish to include the following: contact request details, reason for deletion request, any other relevant information.

Return Value

boolean Returns confirmation of your request only if successful. If request fails, an exception will be thrown.


The following exceptions (errors) are applicable to this method.

Code Message Advice
19003 Requested merchant not found. The MerchRefNum did not match a merchant account associated with your reseller account. Double check MerchRefNum.
19005 Requested merchant was deleted and is no longer active. The merchant account was already deleted. Double check the MerchRefNum and make sure the delete call is only running once.



For directions on how to set up the WSDL link, create "$token" and "$client", go to PHP Soap How-to.


    try {

      $Reason='Testing Soap API';     



    catch (SoapFault $e) {
      echo $client->__getLastRequest();
      echo $client->__getLastResponse();



    BigInteger merchrefnum = new BigInteger("118227");
    boolean res = client.deleteMerchant(restoken, merchrefnum, "Merchant is no longer active");