Defines a source key used to identify a merchant or reseller.
This object defines a source key which is used to identify the merchant or reseller making the request. Source keys are obtained by logging into the merchant or reseller console.
A source key that has a pin assigned must include the Hash object. It is highly recommended that a pin always be used in conjunction with the source key.
All SOAP methods require the use of a pin, except the following transaction methods:
* runTransactionApi
* runTransaction
* runSale
* runQuickSale
* runCredit
* authOnly
* postAuth
* captureTransaction
The ClientIP is used to reference the end client. While this field is not required (it can be left blank) it is used by several fraud modules and is recommended.
Type | Name | Description |
string | SourceKey | SourceKey obtained in merchant console. |
ueHash | PinHash | Hash object for the PIN (only necessary if this source key has a pin assigned) |
string | ClientIP | The IP Address of the end client |
class TokenClientExample {
public $client; // initialize client
public $token;// initialize token
function setUp{
$client=self::getClient(); //Using this class
$token=self::getToken(); //Using this class
static function getClient(){
//for live server use 'www' for test server use 'sandbox'
return new SoapClient($wsdl,array("trace"=>1,"exceptions"=>1));
//Must have Php5 compiled with --enable-soap
*Otherwise use pear soap. For more info please visit: http:*pear.php.net/package/SOAP
static function getToken(){
// Creating a ueSecurityToken
$sourcekey = 'yQbOFkmykeygoeshere3Lc9PH1l14';
//Input your merchant console generated source key
$pin = '1234'; //Input the PIN set in the source editor for your source key
// generate random seed value
$seed=mktime() . rand();
// make hash value using sha1 function
$clear= $sourcekey . $seed . $pin;
// assembly ueSecurityToken as an array
// (php5 will correct the type for us)
return $tok;
// Creating a ueSecurityToken
$sourcekey = 'yQbOFkjD8wwlkZ3AhY248k3Lc9PH1l14';
$pin = '1234';
// generate random seed value
$seed=mktime() . rand();
// make hash value using sha1 function
$clear= $sourcekey . $seed . $pin;
// assembly ueSecurityToken as an array
// (php4 will correct the type for us)
Visual Basic .Net
Imports System
Imports System.Web
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text
Private Sub mySoapCall()
Dim token As newtek.ueSecurityToken
Dim hash As newtek.ueHash = New newtek.ueHash
Dim sourcekey As String
Dim pin As String
' The source key and pin are created by the merchant
sourcekey = "e42SYc86C4uvlvyP62ow54Kv93SZsJVm"
pin = "1234"
token = New newtek.ueSecurityToken
token.SourceKey = sourcekey
' To create the hash we must concat the sourcekey, seed and pin
Dim rand As System.Random = New System.Random
hash.Seed = Date.Now.ToUniversalTime & rand.Next()
Dim prehashvalue As String
prehashvalue = sourcekey & hash.Seed & pin
' Generate the md5 hash
hash.Type = "md5"
hash.HashValue = GenerateHash(prehashvalue)
token.PinHash = hash
End Sub
Private Function GenerateHash(ByVal SourceText As String) As String
'Instantiate an MD5 Provider object
Dim md5 As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider
'Compute the hash value from the source
Dim ByteHash() As Byte = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(SourceText))
'Instantiate a StringBuilder object
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
'Repack binary hash as hex
For c As Integer = 0 To ByteHash.Length - 1
sb.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", ByteHash(c))
Next c
'Return the hex hash
Return sb.ToString
End Function
NOTE: this example has not been tested and is provided as is.
seed = randrange(0, 1000000);
pin = 'yourpin';
Token = structnew ();
Token.SourceKey = 'yoursourcekey here';
Token.PinHash = structnew();
Token.PinHash.Type = 'md5';
Token.PinHash.Seed = #seed#;
Token.PinHash.HashValue = hash('#Token.SourceKey#'&'#Token.PinHash.Seed#'&'#pin#');