
Convert existing transaction to stored customer.


This method copies the credit card/check data, card holder name and address information from an existing transaction and uses it to create a new customer record to be stored in the Customer Database. By default, the customer will be created with recurring billing disabled.

The method returns the new CustNum (customer number). Optional customer fields can be created using the UpdateData parameter. See the quickUpdateCustomer method for details on what fields may be set.

Only information entered in the original transaction will be saved. To input additional data, use the updateCustomer or quickUpdateCustomer methods. updateCustomer will replace all existing customer data, while quickUpdateCustomer allows you to update selected fields only.

Possible fields are:

  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • CustomerID
  • Company
  • Address
  • Address2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • URL
  • ReceiptNote
  • SendReceipt
  • Notes
  • Description
  • OrderID
  • Enabled
  • Schedule
  • Next
  • NumLeft
  • Amount
  • CustomData
  • Source
  • User
  • Card Number
  • Card Expiration
  • Account Number
  • Routing Number


string convertTranToCust ( ueSecurityToken Token, string RefNum, FieldValue UpdateData )


Type Name Description
ueSecurityToken Token Merchant security token: used to identify merchant and validate transaction.
string RefNum Transaction Reference number assigned by the gateway.
FieldValue UpdateData Recurring

Return Value

Type Description
string Returns the CustNum of the new customer.



For directions on how to set up the WSDL link, create "$token" and "$client", go to PHP Soap How-to.

      try {
      // Set RefNum to the Reffernce Num of the
      //transaction you want to convert to a customer

      // Creating customer, saving exact time and verifying customer was created.
      $RecurringBillData = array(
        array('Field'=>'NumLeft', 'Value'=>'10'),
        array('Field'=>'Amount', 'Value'=>'7.40'),
        array('Field'=>'Description', 'Value'=>'Monthly Bill'),
        array('Field'=>'Schedule', 'Value'=>'Monthly'),
        array('Field'=>'Enabled', 'Value'=>'Yes'),

      $custnum = $client->convertTranToCust($token, $RefNum, $RecurringBillData);
    }  catch(Exception $e) {
      echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();


This example uses the Newtek Gateway Java library. For directions on how to install the library and create the token/client objects, go to the Java JAX-WS Howto.

    try {

    //Transaction Reffernce Number to convert to a customer
    BigInteger RefNum = new BigInteger('123456');

    //Setting up the Field Value array for updated data specific to the customer
    FieldValueArray UpdateData = new FieldValueArray();
    UpdateData.add(new FieldValue("Schedule", "weekly"));
    UpdateData.add(new FieldValue("NumLeft", "7"));

    //Converting to a customer
    BigInteger CustNum = client.convertTranToCust(token, RefNum,UpdateData);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Soap Exception: " + e.getMessage());


    Dim refnum As String
            refnum = "46978031"
            Dim update(0 To 1) As newtek.FieldValue
            For i As Integer = 0 To 1
                update(i) = New newtek.FieldValue

            update(0).Field = "Schedule"
            update(0).Value = "weekly"
            update(1).Field = "NumLeft"
            update(1).Value = "7"

            Dim response As String
            response = client.convertTranToCust(token, refnum, update)


For directions on how to set up the WSDL link and create the "token" and "client" variables, go to the C Sharp .Net Soap How-to.

    string refnum = "46978031";
    newtek.FieldValue[] update = new newtek.FieldValue[2];
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

        update[i] = new newtek.FieldValue();


    update[0].Field = "Schedule"; update[0].Value = "weekly";
    update[1].Field = "NumLeft"; update[1].Value = "7";

    string response;

        response = client.convertTranToCust(token, refnum, update);

        MessageBox.Show(string.Concat("Customer Number: ",


    catch (Exception err)

Change History

Version Change
1.7 TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
1.0 Method added in soap v1.0