Find currency conversion rate for a transaction amount.
This method allows you to determine the rate of conversion for different currencies in multi-currency transactions. A merchant account must have support for specific types of currency before it will be able to run multi-currency transactions.
To determine if a currency is supported by a merchant account, use either the getSupportedCurrencies or the getAccountDetails method.
Each currency type is assigned a three digit numeric code (ie: USD=840, Japanese yen=392). You must enter the three digit code for both the original currency and the converted currency in a conversion. The Currency Code list provides all of the three digit codes and their corresponding currencies for international currency conversion.
If you would like to add support for multi-currency transactions to a merchant account please contact the merchant's service provider or customer service.
See also bulkCurrencyConversion, getSupportedCurrencies, getAccountDetails
CurrencyConversion currencyConversion ( ueSecurityToken Token, integer FromCurrency, integer ToCurrency, double Amount )
Type | Name | Description |
ueSecurityToken | Token | Merchant security token: used to identify merchant and validate transaction. |
string | FromCurrency | Currency code funds will be converted from. |
string | ToCurrency | Currency code funds will be converted to. |
double | Amount | Amount of currency to be converted. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
CurrencyConversion | Returns the rate of conversion and the amount of the converted currency. |
// for directions on how to set up the
// WSDL link and create "$mctoken" and "$client,"
try {
$res=$client->currencyConversion($mctoken, $FromCurrency, $ToCurrency, $Amount);
$this->assertEquals($res->FromCurrency, $FromCurrency);
$this->assertEquals($res->Currency, $ToCurrency);
$this->assertTrue($res->Rate > 0);
$this->assertTrue($res->Amount > 0);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
echo $client->__getLastRequest();
echo $client->__getLastResponse();
die('Currency conversion failed : '.$e->getMessage());
Dim from As String
Dim convert As String
Dim amount As Double
from = "036"
convert = "826"
amount = 50
Dim response As newtek.CurrencyConversion = New newtek.CurrencyConversion
response = client.currencyConversion(token, from, convert, amount)
string from = "840";
string to = "978";
int amount = 50;
newtek.CurrencyConversion response = new newtek.CurrencyConversion();
response = client.currencyConversion(token, from, to, amount);
catch (Exception err)