
Move customer from one merchant to another.


This method allows you to move a customer record from one merchant to another. This method is only available to merchants who have a master user setup to access both accounts. The move method copies the customer to new merchant and then deletes the original customer. A new CustNum is assigned.


CustNum moveCustomer ( ueSecurityToken FromToken, string CustNum, ueSecurityToken ToToken)


Type Name Description
ueSecurityToken FromToken Merchant security token: used to identify the merchant that the customer is being moved from.
string CustNum The gateway assigned customer number for the the customer to be moved.
ueSecurityToken ToToken Merchant security token: used to identify the merchant that the customer is being moved to.

Return Value

Name Description
string Returns gateway assigned Customer Number of the new customer.



This example uses the Newtek Gateway Java library. For directions on how to install the library and create the token/client objects, go to the Java JAX-WS Howto.

    try {
      //Set CustNum to the customer number that you want to move.  "merch2token"
      //represents a token set up under the merchant the customer is being moved to.
      BigInteger CustNum = new BigInteger("123456");
      BigInteger NewCustNum = client.moveCustomer(token, CustNum, merch2token);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Soap Exception: " + e.getMessage());


    Dim client As newtek.newtekService = New newtek.newtekService
            Dim token1 As newtek.ueSecurityToken
            Dim token2 As newtek.ueSecurityToken

            token1 = Me.CreateToken("source key of the merchant1", "1234")
            token2 = Me.CreateToken("source key of the merchant2", "1234")

            Dim custNum As String
            custNum = "103125"
            Dim NewCust As String

            NewCust = client.moveCustomer(token1, custNum, token2)


For directions on how to set up the WSDL link and create the "token" and "client" variables, go to the C Sharp .Net Soap How-to.

     newtek.ueSecurityToken totoken = new newtek.ueSecurityToken();
                newtek.ueHash hash = new newtek.ueHash();
                string sourcekey = "NEW SOURCE KEY";
                string pin = "new pin";
                totoken.SourceKey = sourcekey;

                hash.Type = "md5";
                hash.Seed = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                string prehashvalue = string.Concat(token.SourceKey, hash.Seed, pin);
                hash.HashValue = GenerateHash(prehashvalue);

                totoken.PinHash = hash;

                string CustNum = "89147";
                string NewCust;

                    NewCust = client.moveCustomer(token, CustNum, totoken);

                catch (Exception err)

Change Log

Version Change
1.7 Changed CustNum and ReturnValue to type string