Contains customer contact information.
This object contains all customer contact information including telephone number, fax number and email address.
Type | Name | Description |
String | FirstName | Customer's First Name |
String | LastName | Customer's Last Name |
String | Company | Company or Organization Name |
String | Street | Street Address Line 1 |
String | Street2 | Street Address Line 2 |
String | City | City |
String | State | State or Province |
String | Zip | Zip or Postal Code |
String | Country | Country |
String | Phone | Telephone Number |
String | Fax | Fax Number |
String | Email Address |
Places Used
// for directions on how to set up the
// WSDL link and create "$token" and "$client,"
// see: [](
'City' => 'Los Angeles',
'Company' => 'Usaepay',
'Country' => 'US',
'Email' => '',
'FirstName' => 'PHP5',
'LastName' => 'Example',
'Phone' => '1-866-872-3729',
'State' => 'CA',
'Street' => '5500 Wilshire Blvd',
'Street2' => 'suite 2700',
'Zip' => '90036'
'AccountHolder' => 'Example Creator',
'ClientIP' => '',
'CustomerID' => '123456',
'Command' => 'Sale',
'Details' => array(
'Amount' => '29.00',
'Clerk' => 'John Doe',
'Currency' => '0',
'Description' => 'Example for address object',
'Discount' => '1.00',
'Invoice' => '44539'),
'BillingAddress' => $Address,
'ShippingAddress' => $Address,
'CreditCardData' => array(
'CardNumber' => '4444555566667779',
'CardExpiration' => '0909',
'AvsStreet' => '1234 Main Street',
'AvsZip' => '99281',
'CardCode' => '999')
$Response=$this->client->runTransaction($this->token, $Request);
$TransactionObject=$this->client->getTransaction($this->token, $Response->RefNum);
echo $TransactionObject->BillingAddress->City;
Dim address As newtek.Address = New newtek.Address
address.FirstName = "John"
address.LastName = "Doe"
address.Company = "Acme"
address.Street = "123 main st."
address.City = "Hollywood"
address.State = "ca"
address.Zip = "91607"
address.Country = "USA"
customer.BillingAddress = address
newtek.CustomerObject customer = new newtek.CustomerObject();
newtek.Address address = new newtek.Address();
address.FirstName = "John";
address.LastName = "Doe";
address.Company = "Acme";
address.Street = "123 main st.";
address.City = "Hollywood";
address.State = "ca";
address.Zip = "91607";
address.Country = "USA";
customer.BillingAddress = address;
<BillingAddress xsi:type="ns1:Address">
<City xsi:type="xsd:string">Los Angeles</City>
<Company xsi:type="xsd:string">Usaepay</Company>
<Country xsi:type="xsd:string">US</Country>
<Email xsi:type="xsd:string"></Email>
<Fax xsi:type="xsd:string"></Fax>
<FirstName xsi:type="xsd:string">XML</FirstName>
<LastName xsi:type="xsd:string">Example</LastName>
<Phone xsi:type="xsd:string">1-866-872-3729</Phone>
<State xsi:type="xsd:string">CA</State>
<Street xsi:type="xsd:string">5500 Wilshire Blvd</Street>
<Street2 xsi:type="xsd:string">suite 2700</Street2>
<Zip xsi:type="xsd:string">90036</Zip>