
Contains information for electronic check transactions.


This object is used for electronic check processing and includes all of the fields required for processing a check transaction.


Type Name Description
Integer CheckNumber Check number of check being used for transaction.
String Routing Nine digit bank routing number.
String Account Bank account number.
String AccountType Checking or Savings - if left blank, default is Checking.
String DriversLicense Driver's license of checking account holder.
String DriversLicenseState Driver's license state of issue.
String RecordType Record type of electronic check transaction. Not supported by all check processors. List of Check Record Types
String MICR MICR Data for Check 21 (optional, depending on processor)
String AuxOnUS MICR Data for Check 21 (optional, depending on processor)
String EpcCode MICR Data for Check 21 (optional, depending on processor)
String FrontImage Scan of front of check, base64 encoded (optional)
String BackImage Scan of back of check, base64 (optional)
String SSN Customer Social Security Number

Places Used

TransactionObject TransactionRequestObject



    // for directions on how to set up the  
    // WSDL link and create "$token" and "$client,"
    // see: [](

        'CheckNumber' => '321',
        'Account' => '123456',
        'Routing' => '123456789',
        'AccountType' => 'Savings',
        'DriversLicense' => '123123123',
        'DriversLicenseState' => 'NA',
        'RecordType' => 'ARC'

      'AccountHolder' => 'Example Creator',
      'ClientIP' => '',
      'CustomerID' => '123456',
      'Command' => 'Check',
      'Details' => array(
            'Amount' => '29.00',
        'Clerk' => 'John Doe',
        'Currency' => '0',
        'Description' => 'Example for CheckData object',
        'Discount' => '1.00',
        'Invoice' => '44539'),
      'CheckData' => $CheckData

    $Response=$this->client->runTransaction($this->token, $Request);

    $TransactionObject=$this->client->getTransaction($this->token, $Response->RefNum);

    echo $TransactionObject->CheckData->AccountType;



    Dim tran As newtek.TransactionRequestObject = new newtek.TransactionRequestObject
    Dim CheckData As  newtek.CheckData = new newtek.CheckData
    CheckData.Account = "1112223333"
    CheckData.Routing = "123456789"
    CheckData.DriversLicense = "D5555555"
    CheckData.DriversLicenseState = "CA"
    tran.CheckData = CheckData


    newtek.TransactionRequestObject tran = new newtek.TransactionRequestObject();

                tran.CheckData = new newtek.CheckData();
                tran.CheckData.Account = "1112223333";
                tran.CheckData.Routing = "123456789";
                tran.CheckData.DriversLicense = "D5555555";
                tran.CheckData.DriversLicenseState = "CA";


    <CheckData xsi:type="ns1:CheckData">
    <Account xsi:type="xsd:string">XXXXX3456</Account>
    <AccountType xsi:type="xsd:string">Savings</AccountType>
    <CheckNumber xsi:type="xsd:integer">321</CheckNumber>
    <DriversLicense xsi:type="xsd:string">XXXXX3123</DriversLicense>
    <DriversLicenseState xsi:type="xsd:string">NA</DriversLicenseState>
    <RecordType xsi:type="xsd:string">ARC</RecordType>
    <Routing xsi:type="xsd:string">XXXXX6789</Routing>

Change Log

Version Change
1.7 Added SSN, ImageEncoding