Key Editor
The Key Editor section of the console is where you can view and edit all of the different sources from which you connect to your console.
Each source is assigned a unique Key by the system which is used to identify the source of each user when they login to the system. This page displays each source, its assigned key and whether that source key is disabled or includes a pin.
In terms of functionality, the keys and pins are most often used by resellers with a high merchant volume to connect their system to the database and increase the speed and efficiency with which they are able to add merchants and make changes to the system.
The keys are used by these reseller when they connect to the gateway using the Soap API.
You can choose which kinds of calls you would like to be able to send through the API by checking the box next to each.
You can also whitelist the ips you would like to be able to use the keys.
We strongly recommend you use both of these settings as well as setting a pin. This helps secure both you and your merchant's sensitive information. For more information about the Soap API, we invite you to visit the Developer's Center, where you can find information and examples in multiple programming languages.