This guide provides information on using the PEAR::Soap library with the Newtek Gateway SOAP API. The SOAP API provides an advanced interface to Newtek Gateway that allows merchants and resellers to access a wide range of functionality.

The official Pear repository includes a fairly full-featured Soap library written in PHP. Since it is written in PHP, it does not require any special privileges to install on your web server. See PEAR::Soap for more information.

Using PEAR::Soap

Step 1: Including the Soap library

If you have installed the PEAR::Soap library in the standard location, you should be able to use the code below. Otherwise, make sure to either add the library to your include path or provide the full path to the library files.


    require_once 'SOAP/Base.php';
    require_once 'SOAP/Client.php';


Step 2: Instantiating $client

The first step is to instantiate the SOAP_Client object. In the soap example provided on this site, we use $client for this object.

      //for live server use 'www' for test server use 'sandbox'

      // instantiate SOAP_Client object as $client
      $client = new SOAP_Client($wsdl);


Step 3: Building Security $token

The ueSecurityToken object is used to securely identify the reseller to the gateway. To build a token, you will need the reseller's Source Key and Pin. The source key is created by the reseller in the Reseller Console under the Settings - Keys Management screen. Many of the methods in the SOAP API require the use of a PIN and it is recommended that you always use a PIN. The reseller assigns the PIN when creating the source key.

      $sourcekey = 'R:b****************************************1  ';
      $pin = '1234'; 

      // generate random seed value
      $seed=mktime() . rand();

      // make hash value using sha1 function
      $clear= $sourcekey . $seed . $pin;

      // assembly ueSecurityToken as an array


The majority of examples listed in the documentation as PHP5 will work with either the built-in Soap client, or the Pear Library. In cases where different syntax is required for the Pear library, a separate example is required.

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