Soap API v1.7

The Newtek Gateway SOAP API provides a standardized web services interface that allows developers to leverage much of the gateway functionality within their applications. The API is designed to give developers the tools necessary to create highly customized payment applications. Since the API uses web standards, it is directly supported by many programming languages such as Dot Net and PHP.


SOAP uses WSDL files to describe the methods and objects that are made available by a webservice. With each new version of the Newtek Gateway soap API a new WSDL file is released. Once a version of the API is released, it's corresponding WSDL file will not change. This allows developers to continue to use an older version of the API indefinitely without the risk of future releases breaking existing code. There is no need to upgrade to the latest version unless new functionality is desired. There is also no restriction on the number of WSDL files used by an application. Existing code can continue to use the old WSDL while newly added code can use a second WSDL link.

To create a WSDL link for your application you must login into the Developer's Center. Once logged in, click on "API Endpoints" and then "New Endpoint" to create a new WSDL link.

Current Version: 1.7

Getting Started

The following guides give specific setup instructions/background information on using Soap with some of the more common programming languages. If you are using a language not listed below, please feel free to contact us for assistance. The Soap interface can be used with any programming language that is able to communicate with an HTTPS connection.



Method Description
runTransaction Runs a transaction using the Transaction API.
runTransactionAPI Provides a Soap wrapper for the Transaction API.
runSale Run a new sale (debit) transaction for credit cards.
runAuthOnly Run a new authonly (debit) transaction for credit cards.
runCredit Run a credit transaction for credit cards.
runCheckSale Run a new sale (debit) transaction for checks.
runCheckCredit Run a credit transaction for checks.
runQuickSale Run a sale based on the credit card or check details of a previous transaction.
runQuickCredit Run a credit based on the credit card or check details of a previous transaction.
postAuth Post an offline authorization
queueTransaction Queue a transaction in a currently open batch.
captureTransaction Capture a queued transaction.
refundTransaction Refund a specific transaction.
overrideTransaction Override a specific transaction.
voidTransaction Void a specific transaction.
getTransaction Retrieves all details of a specified transaction.
getTransactionStatus Retrieve the current status of a specific transaction.
getTransactionCustom Retrieves only selected details of a specified transaction.
getTransactionProfile Retrieves the transaction profiling results of a specified transaction.
getCheckTrace Retrieves the electronic check status details for a specified transaction.
searchTransactions Search transactions and return full transaction records.
searchTransactionsCount Returns number of transactions that match search criteria.
searchTransactionsCustom Search transactions and return only specific fields.
getTransactionReport Pull a transaction report.
convertTranToCust Convert a transaction data to a stored customer record.
getSession Create a transaction fraud profiling session.


Method Description
saveCard Tokenize card data
saveCards Tokenize cards data
lookupCardToken Retrieve a card token
convertPaymentMethodToToken Tokenize a customer payment method.
getCreditCardToken Retrieve card info using token.


Method Description
emailTransactionReceipt Email transaction receipt, select template by ref num
emailTransactionReceiptByName Email transaction receipt, select template by name
renderReceipt Retrieve the body of a transaction receipt, select template by ref num
renderReceiptByName Retrieve the body of a transaction receipt, select template by name
addReceipt Add a new receipt template
updateReceipt Update a receipt template
getReceipt Retrieve a receipt template, select template by ref num
getReceiptByName Retrieve a receipt template, select template by name
getReceipts Retrieve all custom receipt templates
deleteReceipt Delete a receipt template

Bulk Transaction Uploads

Method Description
createBatchUpload Post a new batch of transactions to the gateway for processing.
runBatchUpload Resume processing a paused batch upload.
pauseBatchUpload Pause a Batch Upload that is already running.
getBatchUploadStatus Retrieve the status of a currently running batch.
getBatchUploadTransactions Retrieve the status of a currently running batch.

Credit Card Batches

Method Description
searchBatches Search previously settled batches.
searchBatchesCount Returns number of batches that match search criteria.
getBatchStatus Retrieves the status of a batch specified by its BatchNum.
closeBatch Close a batch specified by BatchNum.
getBatchTransactions Retrieve transactions in the batch specified by BatchNum


Method Description
runCustomerTransaction Run a transaction using payment data stored in the customer database.
enableCustomer Enable recurring billing for a customer specified by CustNum.
disableCustomer Disable the recurring billing for a customer specified by CustNum.
deleteCustomer Delete the customer specified by CustNum.
searchCustomerID Find a CustNum (assigned by the gateway) using a CustID (assigned by merchant).
getCustomer Retrieve the customer details for a given CustNum.
searchCustomers Search customer database, returns full customer object for each customer found.
searchCustomersCount Returns number of customers that match search criteria.
searchCustomersCustom Search for customers, returning custom columns.
getCustomerHistory Pull details of all transactions run for CustNum.
addCustomer Add a customer to your stored customer database.
addCustomerPaymentMethod Add a payment method for an existing customer.
deleteCustomerPaymentMethod Delete a payment method from an existing customer.
getCustomerPaymentMethod Retrieve a specific Customer Payment Method
getCustomerPaymentMethods Retrieve all Customer Payment Methods for a specific Customer
updateCustomer Replace all data for customer specified by CustNum.
quickUpdateCustomer Update customer data in selected fields only.
updateCustomerPaymentMethod Update customer payment method specified by MethodId
copyCustomer Copy customer from one merchant account to another.
moveCustomer Move customer from one merchant account to another.
getCustomerReport Retrieve one of the customer reports


Method Description
addProduct Add a product
getProduct Retrieve a product
updateProduct Update an existing product
quickUpdateProduct Update specified product fields
deleteProduct Delete product
addProductCategory Add a product category
getProductCategory Retrieve a product category
getProductCategories Retrieve all product categories
updateProductCategory Update an existing product category
deleteProductCategory Delete product category
getProductInventory Retrieve current product inventory
adjustInventory Adjust product inventory levels
searchProducts Search product database, return entire product objects
searchProductsCount Search product database, return number of products found
searchProductsCustom Search product database, return defined list of fields

General Merchant Methods

Method Description
getAccountDetails Retrieves information about merchant account.
getSupportedCurrencies Retrieves an array of currencies supported by a merchant account.
currencyConversion Find currency conversion rate for a transaction amount.
bulkCurrencyConversion Converts multiple amounts in a single method call.
getBankList Retrieve list of banks that the merchant can accept direct payments from
getSystemInfo Retrieves API version number, environment (production/sandbox/staging), data-center location, timestamp
getReport Retrieve a console report (transaction, customer or product)
getSyncLog Retrieve a list of changes made to the gateway
getSyncLogCurrentPosition Retrieve the last position in the sync log
getCustomFields Retrieve list of merchant defined custom field names