Change Log

SOAP 1.7 - Released 2018-10-09

Object/Method Change
addCustomer Changed ReturnValue to type string
addCustomerPaymentMethod Changed ReturnValue to type string
BatchStatus Object Changed ReceiptRefNum and ReturnValue to type string
BatchUploadStatus Object Changed ReceiptRefNum and ReturnValue to type string
captureTransaction TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
CheckData Object Added SSN ImageEncoding
closeBatch Changed BatchRefNum to type string
convertPaymentMethodToToken Method added.
convertTranToCust TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
copyCustomer Changed ReturnValue to type string
CreditCardData Object Added DataSource type String(Return Only)
Customer Object Added Custkey type string
CustomerTransactionRequest Added Custkey type string. Added CAVV and 3DSecure method fields.
deleteCustomerPaymentMethod Changed CustNum and PaymentMethodID to type string
deleteReceipt Changed ReceiptRefNum to type string
disableCustomer Changed CustNum to type string
emailTransactionReceipt Changed ReceiptRefNum to type string
enableCustomer Changed CustNum to type string
getBatchStatus Changed BatchRefNum to type string
getBatchTransactions Changed BatchRefNum to type string
getBatchUploadStatus Changed UploadRefNum to type string
getBatchUploadTransactions Method added.
getCreditCardToken Method added.
getCustomer Changed CustNum to type string
getCustomerPaymentMethod Changed CustNum and PaymentMethodID to type string
getReceipt Changed ReceiptRefNum to type string
getTransaction TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
getTransactionCustom TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
getTransactionProfile TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
getTransactionStatus TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
LineItem Object Added Product Key type string
LodgingDetails Method added.
moveCustomer Changed CustNum and ReturnValue to type string
overrideTransaction TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
pauseBatchUpload Changed UploadRefNum to type string
PaymentMethod Object Added CAVV and 3DSecure method fields. Added CardHolder field.
Product Object Added Product Key type string
ProductInventory Object Added ProductInventoryKey
queueTransaction Method added.
quickUpdateCustomer Changed CustNum to type string
renderReceipt Changed ReceiptRefNum to type string
runBatchUpload Changed UploadRefNum to type string
runCustomerTransaction Changed CustNum and PaymentMethodID to type string
runQuickCredit TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
runQuickSale TransKey can be used in RefNum field.
setDefaultPaymentMethod Changed CustNum and PaymentMethodID to type string
TransactionDetail Object Added CashBack type string DigitalGoods type string LaneID type string.
TransactionRequest Object Added SaveCard type Boolean LodgingDetails type LodgingDetails AuthExpireDays type sting EntryMode type string ReleaseFunds type boolean and TransKey type string.
TransactionResponse Object Added TransKey CustKey and Batch Key. Changed BatchNum to type string BatchRefNum to type string CustNum to type string.
updateCustomer Changed CustNum to type string
updateReceipt Changed ReceiptRefNum and ReturnValue to type string
voidTransaction TransKey can be used in RefNum field.